The hosting packages in the market today offer customers an option on either an SSD or an HDD hard drive. But what are the differences and which one should you go for?

HDD is the most opted for since it is relatively cheaper. People often choose HDD because of the price, and less focus on the usage benefits. Many customers do not consult the best Indian hosting company when choosing their preferred hosting plan. What are the differences between the two options? Does the difference matter? How?

The Difference between SSD and HDD Hard Drives

A hard drive is a location or place where the server’s data is kept. The website software, operating system, and all the contents and data are stored on the hard drives. Any changes that are made on the site are stored on the hard drive and should be read and processed when someone visits your site.

On HDD hard drives thin metal disks are used to store the information. The disks spin at around 7,000 RPM. They employ the same technology used on CDs and DVDs. Information is read on it and written to it using read/write heads that hover close to the surface of the disk.

The heel of the drive is built using movable parts to facilitate the movement. At the rate of 7,000 RPM, the disk spins almost 3.5 billion times a year. After some time the movement leads to wear and tear and the mechanical parts fail to function. Another problem is the limited speed at which data can be read and written on the drives. The speed at which data can be written or read from the disk is determined by how fast it can spin.

The Solid State Drive (SDD) works differently as it has done away with moving parts and stores data on memory chips that are interconnected together. This is advantageous since it does anything that HDD can do but does not rely on the spinning speed of the disk. It performs tasks much faster and it is less vulnerable to mechanical failures. The reliability and speed of SSDs make them advantageous for web hosting.

Increased Speed Benefit for SSD Hosted Websites

When your website is hosted on an SSD hard drive, the speed at which information can be written and read from the server is increased. This means that the website will load faster on the browsers of your users. The first benefit of using SSD for web hosting is a higher rank in the search engine suggestions for users.

For some years now search engines have disclosed that loading speeds of sites affect the rank on search results. Websites that load faster offer a better user experience since the content is available readily and on time.

The faster loading also gives those visiting your page a better user experience. Internet users usually expect fast responses from pages and may lack patience for slow loading pages.

How Uptime is Increased by SSDs?

Since HDDs have mechanically moving components, there is a higher risk of failure. This risks the user’s data since it may all be lost if an HDD fails when the data is not backed up. HDD failures are usually costly and worse if you own a commercial site, the more you stay offline the more losses you incur.

 Since SSDs are not made of moving parts, they are less vulnerable to failures hence more reliable for file storage. The best protection for downtime is determined by the choice of hard disk you make. You should go for a host that guarantees an uptime of not lower than 99%, should have backup services, and also protection from malware infection and hacking.

Costs Vs Benefits

Better and newer technology costs more. This is based on the fact that SSDs are more expensive as compared to HDDs.  However, the price differences between the two don’t create a big margin. What matters to the success or failure of your online business is whether you will consider the hiking prices of SSDs or their benefits for your site.

The reliability and speed of the SSD help in raising the search engine ranks and improving user experience. These are the two crucial features that every site should have. You should also note that as the use of SSDs increases, eventually HDDs will be outdated and done away with.

Before deciding on the option to choose for hosting your website, consult an Indian hosting company for insight and guidance on the best option for your site.

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