Remote Employees

One of the trends in today’s workplaces is that of remote working. This is a fast-growing trend in workplaces. It is estimated that around 25% of the workforce is involved in some remote work. In a healthy workplace, employees come to the office every day and work for fixed hours to complete their work.

Remote working, also known as teleworking, is where employees do not work at the office. Instead, they work from a remote location, which could be their home.

This is convenient for the employee as they can work from their homes. Thanks to the growth of the internet and related technologies, work is done can be delivered from home, and communication with superiors and colleagues can be done quickly. It is beneficial for the organization as they need not create infrastructure like space in the office, transport facilities, etc. for such employees

Remote working throws up many challenges for organizations. These workers need to be on board, and they need training like regular employees. Apart from the orientation training, different types of training are conducted by organizations. These are required to upgrade the skills of employees. The challenge is how remote employees can be trained expertly without them having to come to the office.

Mobile Learning

The growth of technology led to the popularity of e-learning. This is online learning, where a person can take up online training courses and complete them at their convenient place and time.

The entire course, right from registration to examination, can be done without attending classes. This is convenient for the trainee who can do the course from any place and at any time. Training courses are also offered online, where a person can undergo training and acquire valuable skills needed for work.

Since mobile computing has become popular more than 55%, of people use their mobile phones for computing. This has led to the growth of mobile learning. A person can do an entire course through his/her smartphone. There would be apps available that would deliver the whole training to the mobile phone. The trainee can watch videos, chat with trainers, participate in online discussions with fellow trainees, and take up assessments online.

Mobile learning is being used in a big way by organizations. Conducting classroom training sessions involves many hassles. All employees need to readjust their schedules to make themselves free.

They need to assemble at one place for the training. This training also would be for a limited duration like one or two days. Training through mobile learning allows employees to take up training whenever they are free. It is as effective as regular training and saves costs for the organization.

Mobile Learning Platform

A mobile learning platform is nothing but an online learning platform that allows an organization to host training courses online. Training courses can be created online with content that includes text, audio, and video along with interactive learning.

Assessments can also be designed for employees so that their understanding of the modules learned can be tested. Once these courses are created, then employees can access these courses from their mobile phones. The organization’s HR department can allow employees access to all classes or some courses.

An app would be available for employees to download on their mobile phones. They can use the app to take up training. Through the app, they can download the training material. They can watch videos of the trainer delivering the lecture.

Both live videos, as well as recorded videos, would be available for employees to access. Most mobile learning platforms provide an online chat facility for employees to chat with the trainer and get their doubts clarified.

Discussion forums/groups would be available, where the employee can participate in discussions with other trainees. Essential questions related to the training and its applicability in the organization can be discussed.

Finally, on completion of the training, the employee can take up an assessment online. Those who complete all the training requirements will be issued a certificate. Apart from the certificate, the employees would have picked up valuable work-related skills.

Mobile Learning for Remote Employees

Remote employees would find mobile learning platforms the most suitable way for training. They can take up the training at their convenience. They also feel they are a part of the organization and are being involved in organizational activities by attending online training. Mobile learning can help remote employees progress in their careers and is hence beneficial for remote workers.

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