
9 Useful Apps to Make Life Better

iPad Apps

Surely you now and then catch yourself thinking that your lifestyle can be somehow changed, improved, made richer, fuller, and healthier.

You can start right now because the main assistant is already in your hands. Here are 9 great apps that can help you solve a variety of problems.

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MinimaListIf Todoist, Wunderlist, and other task managers seem overloaded with unnecessary features, then try MinimaList as the name implies, everything is minimalist and simple in it, and the design helps to focus on the important.

There are two main functions – you can make a to-do list and cross it out when you’re done. You can also schedule events and create shopping lists. On a white background, hints pop up about where, how, and what to add (set a time, enable notification, mark the address on the map, etc.). When you’ve got all the work done, you’ll be rewarded with a cute home screen saver (you can save it if you like).

There is also a focus mode function with a timer – while the birds are singing to you, you need to focus on completing the task.


HabiticaThe application will help turn your life into a real role-playing game – with knights, dragons, mana, and elixirs. First, make a list of your daily tasks, good habits, and bad habits, and then mark them down. When you do something useful, for example, go to training, clean the room, read a book, get experience points, and in-game gold.

The more you collect, the faster you will move to new levels, and acquire rewards and equipment for your hero. If you give up, skip daily tasks, or do something from a negative list (for example, go to fast food or smoke a cigarette), then you will lose health points.

When you get a taste, you will be able to join collective quests with other users. The application has gathered a large community around itself.


ForestA game app for those who are prone to procrastination and are often distracted by the phone instead of focusing on something important. What does the forest have to do with it?

It’s simple: if you need to do something important – write a report or listen carefully to a lecture, you set a timer in the application from 30 to 120 minutes and get down to business. While the clock is ticking, a tree will grow on the phone.

If your “tree in this city is doomed”, you give up, close the application, go somewhere on Instagram or Facebook, and the plant dies like a picture.

Over time, you can grow a whole virtual forest that will remind you of your productivity. Dead trees, by the way, are also stored in the forest and help to improve your concentration skills.


SmartPostureAre you reading this text on your phone? Are you holding it correctly or are you bent over the screen? Are your legs tucked too?

Perhaps you should install an application that uses the gyroscope in your phone to track you. Periodically, it will remind you of posture and how to sit properly by vibration or blurring of the image.

The recommendations are strict – SmartPosture asks you to keep the phone at eye level so as not to strain your neck. And yes, it also cares about your back, legs, and lower back.

Simple Habit

Simple HabitDaily meditation can help reduce stress levels, and improve concentration, and sleep. But where to find time for it, if the day is scheduled by the hour? It is worth starting with at least 5 minutes a day.

This is what the Simple Habit application is designed for. There is no esotericism in it, reasoning about chakras, aura, and cosmic energy – everything is practical. Each meditation session is accompanied by the coach’s voice.

There are Series – long author courses for a week or more (for example, to increase mindfulness, and foster a positive attitude), and there are On The Go classes – mini-sessions for a specific case (to reduce anxiety, to tune in to a business meeting or get ready for bed) … The library has about 50 free courses, and if you buy a subscription, a thousand more will open.

Google Lens

Google LensObject recognition was recently added to Android smartphones and is now available in a separate app. Google artificial intelligence can detect different objects that fall into the camera lens.

As conceived by the developers, with this technology you can learn more about the world around you: put your phone at an interesting house – they found out what kind of architect built it; guide a dog – recognize its breed; they point at the blouse – they found out in which store it could be bought.

It also opens up a lot of interesting opportunities, for example, you can make a new contact in the phone book by taking a photo of a business card, and you can connect to Wi-Fi in a public place by simply scanning a sign with your login and password. True, all this is not yet working as accurately as we would like.


CitymapperNot all map services can build routes taking into account all public transport – metro, buses, air express trains, electric trains, taxis, and bike rentals.

But Citymapper knows how and even compares all the options, constantly updating the arrival forecast, taking into account the schedule, traffic jams, and all temporary changes.

It will even indicate which carriage is better to get in and which exit of the metro is better to leave. The app was originally launched in London, but now it works in 37 cities around the world.


LokLokAnother non-standard way to communicate with loved ones at a distance. The app lets you send drawings and scraps right on top of your phone’s lock screen.

You can invite your friends to join the application by mail, Facebook, or SMS. Once they install it, LokLok will replace the lock screen.

Visual messages can be drawn directly on the screensaver, and they will immediately appear for the whole group or individual friends. Pictures can be annotated, supplemented, or re-sent – they are not saved anywhere, and when erased they disappear forever, like a story.


TwilightAn application for those who like to get stuck in the phone before going to bed, and then toss and turn for a long time, trying to fall asleep. It has long been known that the bright blue light emitted from a smartphone screen hurts sleep.

It is the blue spectrum that inhibits the synthesis of melatonin, a hormone involved in the regulation of sleep. Therefore, if you cannot refuse to use gadgets in the evening, then you should adjust the screen backlight – that’s what Twilight is for.

The app explains the connection between light and circadian rhythms in simple language. And four sliders will help you move from theory to practice.

With them, you can adjust the optimal temperature, intensity, and screen brightness. For the device to switch itself to this calming mode in the evenings, it is enough to indicate the desired time interval.

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